Currency Cross Rates, Metals and Oil Cross Rates Table

This currency cross rates table shows the foreign currency exchange rates between any pair of twelve currencies and the gold rate , silver rate and oil rate expressed in any of the currencies shown.

The conversion currencies shown in the table which updates every 15 secs are as follows: American Dollar - USD, European Euro - EUR, British/ UK Pound Sterling - GBP, Swiss Frank - CHF, Australian Dollar - AUD, New Zealand Dollar - NZD, Japanese Yen - JPY, Danish Kroner - DKK, Norwegian Kroner - NOK, Swedish Kroner - SEK and the Mexican Peso - MXN. The commodity cross rates are: Gold cross rate - XAU, Silver cross rate - XAG and the Oil cross rate - OIL.

To find a currency or commodity cross rate choose a financial instrument from the top of the table then move your mouse to a corresponding currency or commodity in the vertical column. For example to find the price of gold expressed in Euros place your curser in the euro column and then move it down the table to correspond with the Gold price, (XAU), in the vertical row.